Friday, May 15, 2015

Why not Wales??

Why Wales?

       Better question.

              Why not Wales?

You see, I'm about as an American as they get.  Born and raised in Pennsylvania, USA, I crave Philly cheese-steaks almost daily. I love my tea cold and sweet and appreciate a good game of American football. And if I were honest, I rarely sit down to a bowl of chocolate ice-cream without adding a large spoonful of peanut butter.  Yep. Born here. Married here. Raising three beautiful girls here.

But not for long...

In about a week, our family will be packing our belongings and heading to the UK. From there, the adventure begins. We will spend about a year in Scotland with some friends as we get acquainted with life in Britain. Then, we'll move to Wales.  

This adventure, Lord's willing, will include learning the Welsh language, adjusting to driving on the left side of the road, with a steering wheel on the right side of the car, and many other such things.

Here, I hope you will sit and enjoy a cuppa while you walk with me on this journey.  If I am able, I just want to paint a small picture of the huge adventure that we are about to embark on. And if you are able, I will gladly welcome any and all advice on learning the Welsh way of life. 

Diolch yn fawr!  (or Welsh for "Many thanks!")